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Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month – March

Preventable. Treatable. Beatable.

Colorectal cancer screening saves lives. It is one of only a few cancers that can be prevented through screening. Among cancers that affect both men and women, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. The risk of developing colorectal cancer increases with advancing age. More than 90 percent of cases occur in people aged 50 or older. Building awareness is an important part of helping to increase screening and decrease mortality rates.

Learn more about Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Patient Support Organizations

American Cancer Society Helpline

The American Cancer Society can help people with cancer and their loved ones find programs and services to manage their lives through treatment and recovery, as well as the emotional support they need. Interested parties can call 800.227.2345 or click here to learn more.

Find Community Health Centers

Community Health Centers provide many services regardless of insurance status. Patients can find community health centers by clicking here.

Patient Advocacy Organizations

Colorectal Cancer Alliance

The CCA’s mission is to empower a nation of allies who work with us to provide support for patients and families, caregivers, and survivors; to raise awareness of preventive measures; and inspire efforts to fund critical research. It was founded in 1999 by a group of 40+ survivors, caregivers and friends.

Esophageal Cancer Action Network (ECAN)

To effectively fight this disease, ECAN is bringing together a community of individuals and groups who are concerned about the rapid increase in Esophageal Cancer cases and want to support the campaign for public awareness and the creation of more effective tools to detect and treat the disease.

Fight Colorectal Cancer

FIGHT Colorectal Cancer’s mission is to see victory over colon and rectal cancer through empowering and activating a community to push for better policies, support, research, education, and awareness of this disease. This organization offers a variety of activities to support Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (March).

Pancreative Cancer Action Network (PANCAN)

PANCAN offers various information on pancreative cancer for patients and professionals.

Prevent Cancer Foundation

Prevent Cancer Foundation’s mission is to save lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection. Their vision is to Stop Cancer Before It Starts! They move this mission forward through advocacy, research and education. While the organization’s focus is on all cancer, they have several resources geared toward colorectal cancer.

