Take the Next Step!
Are you looking to…
Enhance your level of professionalism? Receive validation of your skills and knowledge? Integrate yourself as a valuable team member in the GI/endoscopy setting?
Let SGNA help advance your career.
The SGNA Associates and Advanced Associates Programs help associates and technicians substantiate their skillset and knowledge in the GI/endoscopy setting. After successfully completing the Associates and Advanced Associates Programs, learners are recognized as either a GI Technical Specialist (GTS) or an Advanced GI Technical Specialist (AGTS).
Which program is right for me?
SGNA Associates Program
The SGNA Associates Program was developed in response to expressed interest and need from the SGNA membership for skills validation. The purpose of the Associates Program is to learn the basics of working in the GI/endoscopy lab. The participants of this online program, consisting of eight modules, carefully study the program material and then take an exam. Upon successful completion of the exam, the participant is awarded a Certificate of Completion and a pin. The successful participant is also awarded the privilege of being recognized as a GI Technical Specialist (GTS).
Gain the core knowledge of the GI/endoscopy specialty and work setting along with 7.0 contact hours from CBSPD.
- Become a respected professional and team member in your GI/endoscopy setting.
- Learn basic endoscope reprocessing.
- Understand the dynamics of a GI/Endoscopy unit or facility.
- Integrate your learning with nurses and others in your unit.
As of September 2023, SGNA will be implementing an expiration date for learners completing the Associates Program. The expiration date will be five years from the date completed. For example, if a learner completed the program on August 17, 2023, then the learner will need to retake the program before or on August 17, 2028.
If you took the program in or prior to 2018, you would need to re-enroll in the Associates Program to hold a current certificate of completion.
Start the Program Today
This program offers 7.0 contact hours from CBSPD and consists of eight online education modules covering the following topics:
Module 1: Anatomy & Physiology
Module 2: Endoscopic Equipment
Module 3: Infection Prevention
Module 4: Patient Care
Module 5: Risk Management
Module 6: Roles & Responsibilities
Module 7: Safety
Module 8: Emergency Preparedness
Module Learning Outcomes
Modules contain slides, diagrams, and each module has a post-test that has to be completed for the participant to receive their certificate of completion. Upon completing the post tests of the eight modules, an Official Recognition of Completion certificate will be available for download and a GTS lapel pin will be awarded to the associate through SGNA. Please allow 4-6 weeks to receive the lapel pin.

SGNA Associates Program FAQ
Member price: $120.00
Nonmember price: $240.00
Please note that SGNA offers group discounts for this eLearning program. If you are looking to purchase 5+ programs, you are eligible for a group discount. Please reach out to SGNA Headquarters for more information on group discounts.
To purchase this program online please click here.
For a letter to provide to your employer showing SGNA's support of this program please click here.
Is the Associates Program considered a certification?
No, this is not a certification program. Rather, persons successfully completing the program are awarded a completion certificate at the end.
How does the renewal system work?
All SGNA Associates Program certificates will now expire after 5 years from the issue date on the certificate of completion. If a learner completes the course on August 17, 2023, they will need to retake the program on or before August 17, 2028, to hold a current certificate of completion.
Why was a renewal period implemented?
To further enhance the retention of knowledge and learnings from the Associates Program.
For any additional question about the SGNA Associates Program, please contact SGNA Headquarters.
SGNA Advanced Associates Program
The purpose of the Advanced Associates Program is to provide you with the opportunity to further your knowledge base in the field of GI/endoscopy. The program is presented in a manner that will challenge your critical thinking skills by applying the learned concepts from modules to case studies. The case studies offer an opportunity to interact with your healthcare team and discuss actions you would take in similar situations.
Technicians and Associates are able to earn a higher level of recognition as an AGTS, Advanced GI Technical Specialist by successfully completing the Advanced Associates Program.
This program offers 4.5 contact hours from CBSPD and consists of three online education modules covering the following topics:
Module 1: Communication
Module 2: Equipment
Module 3: Emergency Preparedness
Module Learning Outcomes
Modules contain slides, diagrams, supporting documents including case studies to address the critical thinking component and a self-study component with skills validation as well as a post-test that will need to be completed in order for the participant to receive their certificate of completion. Upon completing the post-tests of all three modules, an Official Recognition of Completion certificate will be available for download and an AGTS lapel pin will be awarded to the associate through SGNA. Please allow 4-6 weeks to receive the lapel pin.

Member price: $110.00
Nonmember price: $220.00
*Group discounts are available. For more information contact SGNA.
To purchase this program please click here.
For a letter to provide to your employer showing SGNA's support of this program please click here.
Earn a higher level of recognition through advanced study tips and methods along with 4.5 contact hours from CBSPD.
- Challenge your critical thinking skills by applying the learned concepts from the modules to the case studies
- Validate the skills in your clinical setting in the form of a checklist through the Skills Validation Checklist, which you can place in your personnel file
- Foster an interactive educational learning environment with the rest of your unit
View instructions for using SGNA's online learning software.
View system requirements. All programs will expire 180 days from the date of purchase at which time you can renew your program for a $20 processing fee. Upon completing the program, a certificate will be available for you to download and keep for your records. During the 180 days you can access the program as many times as necessary.