SGNA 52nd Annual Course | June 1-3, 2025 | Pittsburgh, PA - Register Here


Get Involved with SGNA!

SGNA offers unique and rewarding opportunities for you to be part of the gastroenterology community. Serving as a volunteer on a SGNA committee is your opportunity to share your knowledge, passion and skills with the Society while learning from and networking with your colleagues. 

2025 Willingness to Serve

Interested in shaping the future of SGNA? Join a committee, contribute your expertise, and connect with peers who are passionate about GI nursing.

Submissions closed on February 24. Reach out to for more information.

SGNA Committees

Learn more about each committee below and reach out to committee chairs for additional information. 

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee grants scholarships and awards, recognizing those who have demonstrated a dedication to GI nursing, continuing education and to the goals of SGNA.

Chair: Deborah Parkinson

  • Committee Members: Cathy Roller (Co-chair), Linda Lawrence, Shannon Zofchak, Tina Zeisig, Debi Mays, Deborah Castro, Elaine Klein

Budget Finance and Audit Committee

The Budget, Finance, and Audit committee and the Articles and Bylaws Member-at-Large is an appointed member that assists the BFA committee with the annual budget creation and participates in the review of the organization's bylaws and articles. 

Education Committee

The Education Committee strategically directs the creation of educational activities and publications that address the educational needs of the practitioners and designs educational activities, which enhance the lifelong educational growth of nurses and associates in gastroenterology and endoscopy.

  • Chair: Catherine Gabster
  • Committee Members: Laura Clark (Co-chair), Susan Overhoff, Michele Maines, Suja Davis, Janet Fidanze, Tashina Gilliam, Janet Servoss

Practice Committee

The Practice Committee ensures that practice related products and services are kept current and new practice related items are developed to meet member needs and assist in the achievement of SGNA’s mission statement and goals.

  • Chair: Susan Bocian
  • Committee Members: Stephanie Prischak (Co-chair), Emma Gimmel, Heidi Rice, AnnMarie Allarey-Quimbo, Candy Salazar

Program Committee

The Program Committee plans relevant and diverse topics and associated speakers within the Annual Course schedule to meet the various needs of the SGNA membership and course attendees.

  • Chair: Sarah Stainko
  • Committee Members: Catherine Bauer (Co-chair), Beth Hogan, Karin Cierzan, Amy Pooler, Christie McAvery, Jeanna Greer

Regional Societies Committee

The Regional Societies Committee works with local regional societies to provide support and direction for any questions, issues and accomplishments that arise within their assigned regional societies. Additionally, they assist in planning regional leadership conference sessions.

  • Chair: Katy Crenshaw
  • Committee Members: Jill Bendiske-Minor (Co-chair), Lashada Brown, Nancy Denton, Carmelita Bernarte, Ivonne Carvajal, Charlotte Timberlake-Torseth, Blair Eason

Nominations and Elections Committee

The Nominations & Elections Committee is responsible for identifying candidates for the both the SGNA Board of Directors and Nominations & Elections Committee. The committee sources and vets candidates in order to put forth a slate that is approved by membership and then Board of Directors. The next call for nominees will launch in fall 2025.

  • Director Liaison: Eileen Dauz
  • Committee Members: Katherine Vinci, Kimberly Venturella, Nancy Schlossberg, Karin Cierzan

Other Ways to Get Involved

We'd love to hear from you! Contact SGNA Headquarters with any questions about SGNA volunteer opportunities.

Interested in serving on a committee or task force for the American Board of Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses (ABCGN)? Please contact ABCGN Headquarters via phone at 855/25-ABCGN or via email at
