Educational Resources

Educational Resources

This page features documents of detailed manufacturer instructions for the routine care and maintenance of endoscopes and accessories. You can also find scope reprocessing “Cliffs Notes” instructions. Just click on the downward arrow to open the content in each section.

Other Toolkit Resources:




Hand Hygiene
Joint Commission
Infection Prevention
Blood Pathogens
SGNA Resources




Hand Hygiene


Proper hand hygine is an important part of infection prevention. Click on the links below for educational resources on this important topic.



Joint Commission


The following links are joint commission safety goals pertaining to infection prevention.



Infection Prevention


The following informational resources are intended to educate on infection prevention and infection control.







Mentoring is most often defined as a professional relationship in which an experienced person (the mentor) assists another (the mentoree) in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the less-experienced person’s professional and personal growth. (



The following links are meant to assist in developing a mentoring tool:


About Mentoring Definition of Mentoring Benefits of Mentoring






SGNA Annual Course Scholarships

The deadline for submission is March 1.

The grants offer financial assistance to SGNA members attending the Annual Course. For full criteria and an application click here.

SGNA RN Advancing Education Scholarship

The deadline for submission is October 31.

SGNA is offering the SGNA RN Advancing Education Scholarship to a Registered Nurse working in Gastroenterology who wishes to continue their education by pursuing a BSN, MSN or PhD. SGNA RN Advancing Education Scholarship Application


Blood Pathogens


Click on the following links for more OSHA blood-born pathogen standard information.







The following information is about the Certified Flexible Endoscope Reprocessor program.


