CE Approver Unit Access Link

CE Approver Unit Access - Login Required

You must login to access the CE Approver Unit Application.  Click "Login" at the top of the page.

Logging in: Your login information is the email address on file with SGNA and your SGNA password. If you are unable to login do not create a new account! Please contact SGNA for your login information.

Phone: 800.245.7462, email sgna@info.org.

ANCC Content Integrity Standards: The ANCC's Content Integrity Standards for Industry Support in Continuing Nursing Educational Activities serves as a resource in the planning, implementation and evaluation of quality CE activities with integrity and free from the influence of commercial interest organizations. The ANCC Content Integrity Standards state that employees of commercial interest organizations are not permitted to serve as planners, speakers, presenters, authors and/or content reviewers if the content of the educational activity is related to the products or services of the commercial interest organization.

Review the ANCC Content Integrity Standard

Conflict of Interest Tip Sheet: Make sure your speakers and planners meet all ANCC conflict of interest requirements with this handy tip sheet. 

Commercial Support Agreement: Commercial support is financial or in-kind contributions given by a commercial interest that are used to pay for all or part of the costs of a CE activity. If your program isreceiving commercial support the participating company must complete a commercial support agreement prior to the program.

*Note that exhibitor tables/vendor booths are not considered commercial support.
