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SGNA Nurse Fellowship Program

SGNA Nurse Fellowship Program

Evidence-based practice is a vital part of advancing gastroenterology and endoscopy nursing. The purpose of the SGNA Nurse Fellowship Program is to educate and support GI/endoscopy staff nurses in the area of evidence-based practice that can be then applied to their day-to-day practice. Fellows receive in-person training using curriculum developed by SGNA and the TCU Center for Evidence-based Practice and Research: A Collaborating Center of the Joanna Briggs Institute.

The Nurse Fellows underwent week-long evidence-based practice training in February of 2013 and February of 2012, respectively. Over the next year, each fellow focused on developing innovative evidence-based projects designed to address a GI/endoscopy related practice issue in their current practice setting. Their project findings will be shared through SGNA resources, including the Annual Course.

Meet 2015 Class of SGNA Fellows

Chesapeake Regional Medical Center
Verification of adherence to flexible endoscope cleaning practices

Deborah Jo Kummer, BSN BS RN AAS CGRN
Highland Hospital
Translating evidence into practice: adding capnography monitoring for our patients undergoing moderate sedation

Pamela Anita Lyles, MEd BSN RN AAS CGRN
Atlanta VA Medical Center
Moderate sedation vs monitored anesthesia care (MAC) for pulmonary procedures

Loraine Miller, BSN RN
Piedmont Hospital Atlanta
Effectiveness of polyethylene glycol preparation vs split dose bowel cleansing preparation on need for repeat colonoscopy in adult inpatients

Kathy Moller, BSN RN CGRN
Best evidence for nursing interventions to support outpatients with hepatic encephalopathy

Jason Sims, BSN RN
Henry Ford Health System
Dedicated inpatient team versus all patient (in/out patient) model of care delivery in endoscopy

Meet the 2013 Class of SGNA Fellows

Deborah J. Kelley, BSN RNC CGRN
Oaklawn Hospital
Instituting a Comprehensive Safety Check List for Endoscopy

Phyllis McCormack, BSN RN
Lawrence Memorial Hospital
How Does Nursing Knowledge Impact Patient Care?

Mary Anne Muldowney, BSN RN
Cayuga Medical Center
Keeping Outpatient Procedures Safe (KOPS)

Michele A. Tyring, RN BSN CGRN
Indiana University Health
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Nursing Satisfaction and Retention in Endoscopic Retrograde CholangioPancreatography

Amanda Ward, MSN BS RN
Central Delaware Endoscopy Unit
Barriers to Effective Bowel Preparation in the First Time Colonoscopy Patient

Karen E. Wilson, MN RN CGRN
Parker Adventist Hospital
Developing a GI Nurse Navigator Position

Meet the 2012 SGNA Fellows

Donna M. Barnes, RN BSN CGRN
Pomerado Hospital - Palomar Pomerado Health
Colonoscopy Preparation for the Diabetic Patient

Cheri Coleman, BSN RN
North Florida/ South Georgia Veterans Health System
Which Bowel Prep (One Gallon or Split Dose) Will Reduce the Number of Failed Bowel Preps or Rescheduled Procedures in Veterans That Travel Up to 100 Miles for Colonoscopy?

Beth Rivera, BSN CGRN
Sierra Medical Center
Nurse Administered Propofol Sedation in Endoscopy: Past, Present and Future

Judy Corliss, RN BSN CGRN
Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital
The Effect of Hospital Admission Status on Bowel Preparation before Colonoscopy

Nancy Denton, RN BSN CGRN
WM. Beaumont Hospital - Troy
Safe Handoff in Endoscopy

Jane Hartman, BSN RN CGRN
Baptist Hospital East
Could Crucial Conversation Education Help Improve Endoscopy RN-MD Relations Scores on the NDNQI Survey?

Kandace K. Mohar, RN BSN CGRN
Tampa General Hospital
Instituting a Hospital- wide Scope Reprocessing Committee

Cecelia Pezdek, MSN MSHA CGRN
Advocate Good Samaritan
Barriers to EBP in the GI Setting

Kim Rademacher, BSN RN CGRN
Carolinas Medical Center
What is the Effectof t he Use of a Customized Endoscopy Unit Staffing Matrix on Nurse and Physician Satisfaction in a Quaternary Medical Center?