Set the Standard with SGNA
SGNA's Standards and Position Statements address issues directly affecting the practice of gastroenterology nursing. The references provided in each document can be used for more in-depth reading.
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- Access SGNA's eLearning Center
- Search "SGNA Standards, Guidelines, and Position Statements"
- Register for the "SGNA Standards, Guidelines, and Position Statements"
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- One your registration is complete, you'll be able to access the product under the My Learning tab for 90 days before repurchase is required.
Learn How SGNA Creates Practice Documents
All documents are written by the SGNA Practice Committee, which develops practice-related strategies that assist in fulfilling SGNA’s mission and goals while meeting the needs of members and the industry. Before they are released, Position Statements undergo a rigorous review, copy editing and approval process by the SGNA Board of Directors, other key members and consultants.
Download a printable one-page document that outlines the development and revision process for SGNA Position Statements.
SGNA Practice Documents Overview
Management of Endoscopic Accessories, Valves, and Water and Irrigation Bottles in the Gastroenterology Setting (2024)
- Provides SGNA’s position on the use of endoscopic accessories and valves, single-use devices, and water and irrigation bottles.
Standard of Infection Prevention in the Gastroenterology Setting (2024)
- Provides an overview of various topics in infection prevention including but not limited to infection prevention measures, hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, bloodborne pathogens, endoscopy environment cleaning and disinfection, environment of care considerations, cleaning and disinfection guidelines (for the setting), general considerations for endoscope handling, competency and quality assurance of endoscope reprocessing, and the culture of safety.
Standards of Infection Prevention in Reprocessing Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopes (2023)
- Reviews all steps in reprocessing and rationale for their use and quality assurance. Highlights the expectations of reprocessing staff, management responsibilities, and the reprocessing environment.
Safety in the Gastroenterology Setting (2021)
- Provides guidelines for the provision of safety in the gastroenterology setting for patients and personnel.
Statement on the Use of Sedation and Analgesia in the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Setting (2017)
- Provides an overview on the use of moderate and deep sedation during gastrointestinal endoscopy along with SGNA’s position on the role of registered nurses in this regard.
Minimum Registered Nurse Staffing for Patient Care in the Gastroenterology Setting (2016)
- Describes criteria for basing minimum safe RN staffing decisions in addition to SGNA’s position on the minimum RN staffing pattern during pre-procedure, procedure, and post-procedure care.
Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice and Role Delineations in the Gastroenterology Setting (2018)
- Provides the Standards of Practice as they relate to the roles of: advanced practice nurses (APRN), registered nurses, licensed practical/vocational nurses (LPN/LVN), and unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) in the gastroenterology role. As defined by SGNA, role delineations and examples for implementation are included as well.
Guidelines for Nursing Documentation in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (2013)
- Provides direction for healthcare providers in establishing consistent patient care documentation for endoscopy. Healthcare team members are encouraged to keep current on changes in documentation.
Guidelines for the Role of the Registered Nurse Navigator in the Gastroenterology Setting (2019)
- Discusses the role of gastroenterology nurse navigators and the impact they have in providing
coordinated, evidence-based care.
Guideline for Use of High-Level Disinfectants & Sterilants in the Gastroenterology Setting (2017)
- Offers general information regarding the principles, product safety, and characteristics of high-level disinfectants and sterilants.
Manipulation of Gastrointestinal Endoscopes During Endoscopic Procedures (2017)
- Offers SGNA’s position on the role of the gastroenterology nurse and nursing assistive personnel during endoscope manipulation.
Performance of Gastrointestinal Manometry Studies and Provocative Testing (2010)
- Discusses the role of the gastroenterology nurse and nursing assistive personnel gastrointestinal manometry studies and provocative testing.
The Role of the Nurse/Nursing Assistive Personnel in Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy/Jejunostomy (PEG/PEJ) Tube Placement (2012)
- Provides SGNA’s position on the role of the Nurse/Nursing Assistive Personnel in Percutaneous PEG/PEJ tube placement. Addresses the three distinct and separate procedure roles; direct patient care role, RN expanded role, and the Technical Support role.
Ergonomics in the Gastroenterology Setting (2020)
- Provides an overview of ensuring an ergonomically safe environment for the health care team in the gastroenterology setting.
Radiation Safety in the Endoscopy Setting (2021)
- Describes key considerations in radiation safety in the endoscopy setting as well as SGNA’s position on gastroenterology nurse and nursing assistive personnel responsibilities.
Latex Sensitivity and Allergic Reactions in the Gastroenterology Setting (2021)
- Provides an overview on the potential dangers of latex to both patients and healthcare workers.
Set the Standard with SGNA
Use these resources to help introduce the Standards an Position Statements to your manager/administrator and justify the use of these practice documents to your accrediting body surveyor.