SGNA 52nd Annual Course | June 1-3, 2025 | Pittsburgh, PA - Register Here

Strategic Plan

SGNA 2025-2027 Strategic Plan

Approved November 6, 2024

Strategic Goal #1: Change SGNA’s education development and delivery.

Objective 1: Create an SGNA Education App to deliver education

Objective 2: Create an SGNA “certified unbiased education” program

Strategic Goal #2: Target and attract new audiences.

Objective 1: Engage Emerging Nurses, Nurses in ASC endoscopy centers, and APRN nurses.

Strategic Goal #3: Act as “one voice” and build relationships with other societies.

Objective 1: Continue and build upon conversations with other societies that have overlap and create MOUs to outline specific ways to collaborate.

Objective 2: Determine where collaboration on standards and guidelines and/or position statements do/could exist.


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